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Retro TV Commercials That Feature Indiana Jones

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Indiana Jones Retro Commercials

When a movie franchise becomes instantly recognisable and as successful as Indiana Jones it’s no surprise that companies are going to want to associate their products with it.  Here’s some of the best adverts from over the decades ranging from Diet Coke to a lottery scratch card and I've left my favourite until last, Terry’s Chocolate Orange.
Raiders of the Lost Ark Kenner Advert

Lego Temple of Doom Advert

Coca Cola Indiana Jones Advert

Lottery Scratch Card Advert

80’s UK Weetabix Indy Parody Advert

Staff of Kings Advert

Nutella Advert

Last Crusade Coming To VHS, only $24.95

Saved the best till last. Terry’s Chocolate Orange 80’s UK advert.

Did I miss your favourite out? Let me know by tweeting @thebeardedtrio

The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more.

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