products for cellulite and stretch marks

burts bees belly butter

products for cellulite

I remember being around 14 years old when I first noticed a few faint stretch marks on my hips and it really bothered me. I guess in your early teens, you do naturally worry about things like that.
As I've grown up, I have struggled with my stretch marks and wobbly legs. My legs have always been a huge insecurity for me, literally everything I eat goes straight to my thighs and since putting on a lot of weight over the past two years, my self confidence hasn't been great.

Since following Slimming World and doing regular exercise, I have noticed some very vivid stretch marks on the backs of my legs - from the backs of my knees going all the way down. So, I have since become even more insecure about my legs. I'm not going to lie to you, it really bothered me when I first noticed them, and to be honest, they still do bother me some days.

No matter how many creams and oils you buy and try, stretch marks are bloody hard to get rid of. Red/purple stretch marks are fairly new and dermatologists say that they are easier to treat as the skin is still in the process of healing. Whereas, white stretch marks are older and a lot more difficult to treat but laser is an option.

Of course, for my stretch marks I've been using Bio Oil everyday, sometimes twice a day. I've heard many mixed opinions on Bio Oil but it seems to work for me, especially if used correctly and consistently.

I bought the Burts Bees Belly Butter back in January after doing some research on best rated skincare products for stretch marks. It is actually highly rated by women who are pregnant. No, I'm not pregnant but I thought I'd give it a go as it was highly recommended for stretch marks on the belly during pregnancy. It absorbs super quick, however there isn't really a smell to it. I usually like a scent to my products but it's not the end of the world! It is a great little product, and I will continue to use it when the time comes for babies.

I have been using these products almost every day after showering since I noticed the stretch marks on my legs and I have noticed a big difference. They haven't completely disappeared but they have definitely faded really well, so I will just carry on using them during my weight loss.
celluliteI was in my late teens when I started noticing cellulite appear on the back of my thighs. It weren't that noticeable and didn't actually bother me as much as stretch marks did. My mum always said it was hereditary but honestly, I have seen very few women that don't actually have cellulite. Over the years I have found that regular exercise and a good diet really helps with maintaining minimal cellulite.

I had been using the Clarins Anti-Cellulite cream for years. I wouldn't say I'm in a consistent routine like I am with my stretch marks products. But, this really has worked wonders for me. It smells so nice and it does minimise cellulite and helps my legs to appear smoother. I feel like if I used it morning as well as evening every day, I would get a lot better results from it.

After hearing great things about this product, I purchased the Mio Cellulite Smoother at the start of the year and to be honest, I haven't touched my Clarins product since. This product smells like the strongest mint toothpaste you can get, but unlike the Clarins cream, you can feel this one working as it gives you a tingling sensation. But again, it gives the exact same results as the Clarins Anti-Cellulite cream.

I included both of these cellulite products in this post as they both work wonders. Even though Clarins is a better smelling product, I would rather be using a product that is half the price, and you can feel it working and gives the exact same results. And, if Mio ever discontinues, I would go back to Clarins, always.

I've only recently managed to accept that cellulite and stretch marks are completely normal, even though I still have some days when they bother me. Social media has had a huge impact on my self-confidence too. All these perfect, gorgeous and slim Instagram influencers, you've got to remember that majority of the time, their pictures are edited and filtered. Again, it's only recently I've learnt to never compare yourself to anyone else - on social media or not. You are you, and you should love yourself.

Pretty much everyone has stretch marks and cellulite, it's just being human. I now see stretch marks and cellulite as stories; growing up, weight gain/loss and pregnancy, all beautiful in every way and I believe that everyone should see it that way too.