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A Moment in Time

Besides old tintypes and cabinet cards... collecting old photographs, looking for them at yard sales, flea markets, etc. has been a habit of mine for many years...For some reason, I feel as if I am "rescuing" these old discarded images or even the remnants of someone's life and story when I take them home with me....
Recently my sister Lynn generously spent her time and scanned dozens of old family photographs so that all my siblings could share and each have copies of these treasured momentos of our family....I couldn't bear to think of them discarded one day...

While sifting through some old collected photos this weekend....I came upon this picture of a young boy and a gentleman, who I am imagining, is the boy's grandfather....

It sure looks to me as if they are thoroughly enjoying each others company and sharing a loving chuckle over the little boy's modeling of grandpa's hat.

I love the way their hands look and the little fellow's coveralls and grandpa's suspenders....Although not related to me, these two souls warm my heart with their sweetness and their obvious pleasure in sharing a simple moment in time...

It reminds me of my own grandfathers who so loved us and enjoyed us when we were little...

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