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Award Season....

hello everyone, today I would like to introduce you to a lovely
woman, Jalon Burton whose blog is


please hop over to see her .

well, a few days ago she tagged me, which was lovely,
and asked me to answer 11 questions.

1. What is your favorite place in the whole world? Why?

I've answered this question before, the answer never
Sorrento, Italy

Sorrento Italy From the Sea
When I am there I feel completely at home, 
I don't even speak Italian, but I'm home.
Sorrento sits atop a very  high bluff overlooking the Mediterranean, the bluest of blue water you've ever seen. 
 The drive from Naples
to Sorrento is completely uneventful for the 1st few miles, then
you get off the motorway and head back to the sea. The narrow
2-lane highway curves around the mountains, with only a little
guard rail between you and the cliffs.  It is breathtaking in
more ways than one.  Sorrento itself is filled with little shops and splendid hotels and sidewalk cafes.  Amazingly, one never gets tired of walking through the narrow streets because everywhere you look you see a friend you met yesterday, or something completely new.
Life is simple in this beautiful place, 
neighbors shout down the roadway to each other,
 people shop daily for their foods, especially vegetables and breads. 
 And, contrary to what Americans think, pasta is not the main 

 Miranda Kerr is a 50s Sex Bomb for US Harper's Bazaar April 2012 

And always there is the view. 
 The view of the sea

2. Would you prefer to eat in or eat out?

Goodness, what a question!  Nothing is better than dining
at home, either with the family or with many friends.
Dining out?  I go for casual now.  Even when I'm travelling.
Fortunately, I've been to so many wonderful places and have
experienced great restaurants around the world, but now I don't 
want to bother with reservations, all the pomp & circumstance,
I just want to have fun in a cozy, sweet environment.

Can you believe this lush terrace cafe is right in Paris? 

3. Which would you choose: a good book or a good movie?

I'm beginning to wonder just how many good books there
really are these days.  I have a KindleFire which I love, and read all the time, but I think I would say the movies.
When you see something like "Moneyball"  or "The Tourist"
or anything Martin Scorsese makes, you love the movies.  Anyway
one cannot see George Clooney in a book.

4. What is your favorite thing about your home?

The high ceilings, the walls of glass overlooking our
beautiful back garden areas.

5. What characteristic do you look for most in a true friend?



6. Tell me something about yourself that you don’t think anyone else knows.

Whatever I do, I overdo.  
I work until it's perfect (in my opinion).
Nothing is too much trouble for my friends/family.

Not overdone, at all.

7. What would you like to change about yourself?

My shape, 


my eyesight (so I wouldn't have to wear contacts).

8. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

My husband fulfilled my wish to redo our honeymoon
& allow me to invite his kids, my kids & their mates.

9. Do you have one all time favorite item in your home?

Well, actually there are 2.
A  large painting Leslie Wainwright did especially for me.
I never tire of it.  It is very large and was meant for our bedroom
many years ago when I had it done in blues & white. It is a huge bouquet of flowers, blue & white ones, tied up like the laces on
toe shoes with ribbons drifting about, the entire background is
tiny blue flowers in all colors...so it looks like the bouquet is
floating in the sea of sky or flowers.
A large Italian porcelain giraffe who sits in my living room,
she brings whimsy which every room should have, as well
as her own elegance.

10. What is your dream vacation?

I've already had it.
A month-long rented villa in Juan les Pins on the Riviera,
the honeymoon redo.


11. How would you describe your décor style?

Luxurious, sleek, open, unpretentious, filled
with collections & art & music.


part of participating in this event is that I pass this award around to a few other
women and ask them 11 different questions (talk about difficult!).

so.  I would like to pass it on to

LeAnn of Linen & Lavender
Sande of A Gift Wrapped Life
Fifi of Fifi Flowers Atelier
Melissa of Living With Lis
Kellie of Cashon & Company
Janie of Bumble At Home
Zsa Zsa of ZsaZsaBellagio

of course, there are so many wonderful women in blogland who I could have tagged, but they
have been tagged over and over again.  please take time to visit these other gals when you have a chance.

My Questions

1. Would you describe yourself physically for us so we know you better?
2. How often do you go to the hairdresser?
3. Do you have pets?
4.  Are you married, single, etc.?   Children?
5. Where do you live?
6.  If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be & why?
7. What is your outfit of the day most of the time?
8. What quality do you admire most about your best friend?
9. Favorite movie of all time?  Favorite book of all time?
10. Favorite song or favorite music.
11. What is your passion ?


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