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Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Geesh, it's really hard to tell how much snow we got from yesterday's blizzard-like conditions, because there was a lot of drifting caused by the accompanying high winds.

But I do know that nearly all the pathways I shoveled out today seemed to be about 18" deep on the level.  Could we have possibly gotten that much snow?  The flat board on the top of our deck railing usually provides me with an accurate measurement of snow, but during this storm it stayed blown clean as a whistle.

Papa Pea and I spent nearly all day outside cleaning things up.  (Okay, he was out there working a couple more hours than I was.  But, hey, somebody had to prepare nutritious, delicious meals to fuel our bodies, right?)  It was actually a pleasant day to be outside as we had a high temp of 13° and bright sunshine all day.  We only had to come in a couple of times to warm up fingers or toes and make a stop or two by the kleenex box.

In preparation for the severely dropping temps tonight (which will stay with us for a few days), we knew it would be wise to get things ship-shaped up today.  We brought in lots of wood for both the house and heated part of the garage.  Honkin' big logs to put in the stoves to hold the fires overnight, too.  Hubby climbed up on the roof to check chimneys and clean them.  The wild birds have plenty of suet, peanut butter and seed.  Our chickens will be checked and tended to several times a day.

The forecast of low temperatures and wind chills are not to be taken lightly, but nearly everyone living up here knows how to stay safe and look out for those who might need help.  And you can be sure nobody is concerned with making a fashion statement when they dress to go outside.

Temp tonight is to be around -26°.  It's only 0° now at 6:30 so it's got a ways to go to get that low.  Tomorrow, a high of -19 to -14 (that's the "warmest" prediction of the three I've seen) with a wind chill factor of 40-50 below zero.  Monday, a high of -16 to -11 but a nasty wind chill factor of 45 to 55 below.  These temperatures should be taken seriously, and you can believe we do so.  The wind chill advisory is in effect until noon on Tuesday.

Don't worry about us.  We'll be smart and careful during this little "cold snap."  For those of you who don't want anything to do with cold winter weather, aren't cha glad you don't live up here?

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