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Spring is in the air no? The return of Gardener's World is the surest sign of it I think. I do so like the programme now that it's just Monty Don in his lovely garden. Couldn't stand the Top Gear style joshing that it was starting to degenerate into before when Joe Swift was on all the time. I love the peace and calmness that is Monty, trailed by Nigel and Nell, wandering about, clipping things down here, pegging them up there. No ridiculous wittering on, no stupid banter. Just Monty and a dog or two.

The filming is always delicious. Close ups of flowers and raindrops and bees and frogs. It never fails to inspire me. Beth Chatto was on last night, in her divine garden. She made her own tiny lake with a rowing boat on it. Happy sigh.

The boys discovered newts in our little wildlife pond this morning. Honestly, we were all so excited. Build it and they will come. There is so much frogspawn now. Apparently newts eat it, and also the tadpoles when they emerge. Maybe that's why newts have appeared.

I got the box of seeds down yesterday and had a rummage through. Time to start popping things in I think. I got out sweet peas and sunflowers to start with. The tomatoes are already in. I like to get some sugar snaps in quite early, and I've got the radishes out to direct sow. There's rocket ready to eat in the garden already, peppery and delicious. Let the gardening begin.

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