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City Views, Country Dreams

Good evening from New York.

It's been a very busy bunch of days since my last post, and I do not want more time to speed past before I show you all a rather poor photo of one of my watercolor cards...to wish each of you a Very Happy Christmas!

Work at the shop continues to be very demanding, and it's up to all of us to keep our energy levels high as we help many folks to make their various seasonal shopping decisions.  We are all beginning to truly look forward to December 25, when the shop will be closed.

I've also been doing lots of cookie baking and baked cookie giving, and enjoying getting together with various friends, opening beautiful cards from folks all over the world, and generally enjoying the spirit of this season.  Today the daylight began to increase!

May I again wish all of you a very Happy Christmas, and thank you again for all your visits to this space.

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