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Colour Sketchbook :: 7

I took my sketchbook away on holiday.
Up until now we've been working on stencilling, printing etc using images taken from close to home but working in our chosen colour - in my case, red, ignoring the local colour. By local colour, I mean the colour that we actually see e.g. sky is blue, grass is green etc.
So on holiday I took a different approach and I concentrated on the local colour and drew what I could see that was actually red.

I had a fairly limited range of materials - some drawing pencils, some watercolour pencil crayons and a paintbrush, yet I managed to capture some of the different reds ranging from scarlet to pink to magenta that could be seen in the beautiful gardens around our hotel.

These are not particularly skilled drawings but the point is to capture the shapes and the colours as best as possible to allow for further exploration on returning home.

So if you are still working along, take time this week to look around and see what you can actually find around the garden or the house in your chosen colour. And if you really can't see anything, compose a still life to draw. Try a collection of objects such as buttons, fruit, cups... anything you like.

Remermber, don't get bogged down with producing an accurate masterpiece - just think about the colour and the shapes... and fill up the page, go over the edges, have fun!

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