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founded by accident - never made it to the brook!


well it's not the breakfast of champions (trouts and sprouts) but it still made for a lovely breakfast - yummeh! aged cheddar, cherries, artichokes, avocado, hearts of palm, apricots, strawberries and watermelon - mmmmm good!

dinner was some potatoe salad - that rocked too!

good thing we ate so well this morning and at dinner becuz this afternoon we decided to head into the woods and find where it was that Strachan's Brook trickled into the Framboise River. we know where it enters the river based on jambaloney's coureur de bois adventures (he really is a coureur de bois....see more here). so we wanted to find where the brook was on our land. the majority of our land is heavily forested - beautiful, virgin forest. so jambaloney cleared us a path with the weedwhacker. and off we go!

Helga - yer gonna' need yer gum boots for this adventure. hurry up and get them on. we have adventures to go on.

we love the forest. both of us admit that whenever we are in the forest we feel like kids. i guess that's because both of us played in the forest as kids. isn't it beautiful?

so many different things grow on the forest floor. can you believe that no one has ever walked here before? wow!

i feel like a faery whenever i am in the forest. i feel like a forest-sprite. but when i am down at the river i am definitely a water-sprite. look at this gorgosity!!!

sorry that this pic came out so blurry. i promise to do better next time. i just wanted to share the forest floor with you - amazing ferns and such delicate and beautiful moss. i wish i could wear moss. but that's for when i wear clothes - which i don't do very often!

more beautiful forest. it's breathtaking. hey - what's that up there?????

uh-oh. i think we accidentally stumbled on our neighbour's property. we had a survey done when we bought this property. we have searched high and low for our "supposed" 4 survey markers - we have only found 2. i think we need another survey...what about you?

that structure that we saw....it is a beautiful dug well. but it doesn't use crocks - it's hand-built with sedimentary rock. have a look:

check out the beautiful, crystal clear water!!!! i feel terrible for people suffering from drought as we have soooo much water at our disposal!

we are still searching for the brook when we come upon what looks like a overgrown path???

and then we see the cabin. and can't help ourselves. we have to go and look.

according to our friend who lives on the other side of this property, the owners haven't been around for years. the owners live in the US and i guess they just haven't been able to get back here.

here's a pic of looking through the window - we knew that we shouldn't - but how can you not take at least a little peak?

we didn't check the doors to see if the place was locked or not...we just wanted to have a look around without trespassing too much. can you blame us?

it is obvious that this beautiful cottage has not had a visitor in several years. so sad.

this open window is not a good thing. i imagine that there has been a lot of weather damage to the interior of the cottage due to this open window. i wanted to close it but jambaloney told me not to touch anything.

this poor cottage is going to fall over any day now. notice the slanting beams that it's sitting on. it breaks my heart - so much love went into building this. check out the chinking between the logs. where are the owners? why haven't they maintained this beautiful cottage?

this is the front deck. and it shows more that this structure probably won't make it through another winter. both jambaloney and i want to go in and save it.

this is the front. again - the deck won't last another winter.

 this is a plaque at the front door. jambaloney told me not to go up the stairs as we had trespassed already, but i had to see what the plaque said. 


finding this little cottage made me sad. jambaloney said that obviously the little brook was not on our land even though we can hear it. it must be on our neighbour's land somewhere. we didn't continue looking for it as again, we felt that we had trespassed enough.

we are going to try and find out who the owners are and what they plan to do with this land. who knows? with the price of land around here being pretty cheap and/or next to nothing - maybe the owners no longer want the land. if that is the case - you all should run. i'll be hitting you up for "the donate to the kymber and jambaloney  so that they can buy this land" fund. bahahahahahahaha! naw' i'm jest teasin' witchya.

we do need to find out who owns this land. just to be able to tell them that their beautiful cottage is going to fall down. maybe they don't know? we have to find out for certain. it would be such a waste to see such a beautiful cottage just fall down.

my heart is heavy after finding this place. thank goodness this little ball of joy and wonder stopped long enough for me to take a pic!

i love butterflies - don't you?

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