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Frugal Happenings 8/13

Hello friends!  Happy Sunday.
I truly hope all are well, safe and staying frugal.

We have had some lovely weather this weeks.  Lots of down time for the A/C!  We did get some rain on Friday and it was truly a splendid rain.  My rain barrels were happy to get an addition of water as well.

One of my 'newer' neighbors moved out yesterday.  The single mom with two children left.  I thought she was going to be a good addition to the neighborhood at first, but part of me is a bit happy she left.  The kids were adorable, but she was the most negative person ever.  She let it be widely known that she deserved to live somewhere better and around better people!  Really?  Well, the people in this little burg are hard working people, and good neighbors who watch out for one another.  Come to find out she received a notice of eviction this week for not paying rent for 4 of the last 6 months!  I think that speaks volumes!!!

Hummingbirds have been extremely active in the past week or so.  I hope that isn't a sign that they will be leaving soon!  They sure are fun to watch.

My cucumber plants are actually trying to revive a little.  I got very little off of them and planted new - the new plants are growing and the older ones are greening up and blooming again.  I think the cooler temps have helped a bunch.  That extreme heat and sun we had just burned them up.
The onions I planted a little over a week ago are really growing well.
Going to plant lettuce again today!

My frugal week:
  • Canned 16 jars of mild salsa (last week I made hot)
  • Used the last 3 peaches - cut up and sugared for short cake
  • Received a free Reminisce magazine as a promotional.  They want me back!!!
  • Used Italian bread, hoagies, and pound cake from the freezer (all were free)
  • Used a $10/$40 coupon at Aldi - all items were for long term storage
  • Line dried a ton of laundry
  • Did lots of yard work for free exercise
  • Dehydrated and ground all my tomato skins
  • Meals from home
  • Harvesting lots of veggies in the garden - love me some fresh and basically free food!
  • Did stop by Kroger to look at clearance.  I found 5 - 2 lb. 8 oz. bags of Hershey miniatures (9/2018) for 2.49 each!!!!! They were regular 9.99!   I also got 10 - 5 packs of cat treat sticks for .49 pack (regular 1.07).  My cats love these - although it is NOT a normal every day treat!
I split one stick up amongst the kitties for a treat now and then.
These will be great for Halloween or even the upcoming holidays.  There are 130 pieces per bag!
  • AC off and on this week.  More off than on - and windows open.  Sure have been enjoying the fresh air.
  • Our grapes are starting to ripen - YUM
Meals this week:
Lunchmeat/cheese and tomato sandwiches (a summer favorite) and salad
Sausage/spicy rice/zucchini/cheese skillet dinner
Italian bread pizza
Chicken strips, fried green tomatoes and fried onion slices
Mushroom/salsa beef hoagies and chips
Loaded hotdogs and salad/pickles
Pork chops, red beans & rice and sliced tomatoes

The weather has been so beautiful this week - it seems I have spent many moments just standing outside and taking it all in.  I don't know how many times I stopped and just said "Thank You God", for all the beauty I have enjoyed and the smiles it has brought me. 
I go out some days, and Momma kitty literally comes running up the path to me all wide eyed and happy, wanting petted.  It is just so sweet.
I have had hummingbirds just hover in front of my face.
Butterflies are every where.
The squirrels are a hoot to watch - they play and play.
Cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, gold finches, you name it - flitting all around.
The little bunny hopping all around showing his pretty white tail.
These precious moments make me smile!


May you all be blessed with health and happiness in the coming week.  PLEASE take a few moments to appreciate the "little" things in life.  Stand still and soak it in. 
God bless.

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