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Have you noticed........

the nights are getting lighter?  I am typing this on Friday night at 5.45pm and it is still light outside.  That is a good sign right?  We have been having a little warmer weather as well, not hot but not in the minus 20's.

Yesterday Kadeeae left this comment on my blog:

Ha! Reminds me of the movie The Money Pit!

What she was referring to was our house, and I have to agree at the moment it does feel like the money pit again.  What with the house and now Molly not sure what we're going to do, as there is only so much money in the pot.

I am planning on putting in a large garden this year and selling off the surplus on a roadside stand I plan on setting up at the end of the driveway.  I was hoping to sell the raspberries this year, along with jam that I make.  Plus I was thinking of selling some quilting/sewing items.  I know my dad was saying that I could add some of his birdboxes on the stand as well.  Hopefully that will all make the roadside stand successful.

We live on a road that is a popular route to cottage country, so on a Friday night through Sunday night in the summer is can be quite busy which helps.

I have been applying for jobs, but have had no luck yet.  Plus come summer I will be busy in the garden.  We manage on a day to day basis, just doing all the big jobs requires us to have a bit more money.

If you can think of any other ideas that would be great.

Did you see this performance by Pink on the Grammys the other night?

Did you remember to put your money in your pot today for the Daily Savings Club?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

1) The frugal gardener needs to be flexible, as in no master landscape plan set in concrete. The frugal gardener lets the plants be the guide and the garden sort of "happens by happy accident." For example, if you respond to a “free plants" ad on CraigsList, you will have no idea what you’re really getting. Being flexible lets you look at the new plants and say “Wow, they’re just what I needed!” no matter what they are.

2) Physical flexibility helps too. Keep this in mind when the ad on CraigsList says “You dig!”

3) Patience by the wheelbarrow load is also necessary if you’re keeping your gardening budget down. Small plants, cuttings or starting your garden from seeds is not the instant way to garden. Gardeners need to learn to wait -- and then wait some more, especially if you’re aiming for frugal. It can take years to create a garden this way.

4) Terms such as "meek" and "mild" don’t usually describe the frugal gardener. Toss the shy, quiet and unassuming traits out the window and practice being outgoing and assertive. The more you ask for free or reduced prices on items, the easier it gets and getting told “no” just pushes you on to the next possibility.

5) Creativity and an open mind will help the frugal gardener use what IS available rather than having a set shopping list of items that "need" to be purchased.

All these tips came from this site

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