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Miggs & A Beautiful Start To November


Today was amazing out side the sun was shining the winds were gentle and the temps were warm it hit a high of  17C or 63°F that is warm for us this time of year . Miggs and I went for a lovely walk then came home and I cleaned up some leaves as the last bout of winds we had last week really took a lot off of the trees and all over the lawn again .  I had left a pile of leaves and went in  for a few minuets and when I came out I thought of brining out my camera just in case . Well I came out and couldn’t find Miggs . I called and called and no sign , then I said the magic word  TREATS !! then all of a sudden this head pops up from the pile of leaves .

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Glad I had my camera cause this was priceless . TREATS you say Mum !  I am over here the look on her face seemed to say ! Oh Miggs I said your a funny girl !

                                          Miggs proceeded to play in the leaves and rummage about !

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                                              I had to laugh as she was also snorting and grumbling lol !

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                                      Needless to say she had a ball in the pile of leaves as she always does !

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                              She was scooping up the leaves with her front paws as if to make a bed out of them !

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                                         Comfy Miggs ?? I asked then she turned around and faced me !

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                                                                                                 YUP !!

Then she got her rope and played with that in the pile of leaves burying  it and then rummaging more in the leaves for it !

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I had a blast watching her as I always do and photographing her as she loves the camera as you can see and is my best  and favourite photo subject  as she has helped me along so much with photography in her own way .

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Then something caught her attention ! SQUIRREL !! and off she went and that was that for now , tomorrow I will be doing more leaves and I know she will be in the piles again , making me laugh .

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                    This is all that's left on one of the trees  the rest are bare and then that is that for this season .

                          I still have English daisies growing and blooming in my garden which I am surprised at .

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                                                                        Well that’s it for us for now  . 

                                            Hope it is just as nice where you are this start to November !

                                                                              Until next time .

                                                                        Country Gal

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