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Monday - Short And Sweet

At home the Goodwills have Senior Citizen discounts on Tuesday.
In Waco, it's on Monday so that's where we went today!
There are several Goodwill's in the Waco area but I decided to go to the one on Waco Drive called the HOT Goodwill! You pay $1.49 a pound.......

except for purses. Those are $2.99 each.
I bought this one for fall. It is big and roomy enough to serve as an overnight bag.

I am anticipating taking this to the pool as a beach bag.
Amber and the kids dearly love the summertime and spend as much time at the pool as they possibly can. I hope to meet up with them there after school is out. They still have another week after this one!

I found some good things!
Muffin pans in mini and maxi sizes, a spice shelf that turns, one super duper hat box,
a very large denim skirt that I am going to cut up and use as a crib quilt backing, Fibber McGee and Molly will be some fun entertainment and two love song CD's for home.

Louis Dean picked up this cute little hanger and says he wants to use it to hang up his overalls.
I asked him tonight about painting it red and he said he kind of likes it the way it is!

From Goodwill we used our handy direction app called Waze to get us to The Catch for lunch.
Dean had told us about this place and Louis Dean has been wanting to eat there ever since.

He was not disappointed! 

The catfish was just the way he likes it and the fries and hush puppies were delicious!

Plus they have free beer and margaritas!!
He had the beer and I am not drinking these days so it was win! WIN!!
We meant to do two more errands after lunch but only made it to HEB where I picked up a few things while Louis Dean filled the truck up with diesel. We were out of tea and in Texas - that's nearly unheard of to be out of tea!

They had corn on the cob on sale for 5 for $1!
Each ear was just perfect!!

And Thumper absolutely loves the husks!
Tomorrow we will eat the corn and give the cobs to the horses.
We went down about 8:00 to do our last round of Critter Chores and I was thrilled to death to see all five of the young geese IN the peacock pen! I think I may have traumatized them with that long net the other night! No critters were lost on our watch!! Every duck, chicken, goat and geese all safe and well.

Dean and Sherry got back home tonight and they had such a nice visit over the long holiday weekend with Roy and Ruth Ann at their farm. I'm glad we can help out so they can get away some.

Tomorrow I will be packing and cleaning and getting ready to go home on Wednesday.
Louis Dean needs just one more day to get the roof on his utility room.
And I still have that baby quilt to cut out and design.
Chapter one is finally redone. It had some serious problems but I think if I just keep in mind that I'm telling my story and not try to cover too much history, I will be fine.
I appreciate my friend, Linda, in her critique of the book and pointing out the problem with chapter one. Now I am going to follow my friend, Carole's advice and proceed to blurt out my story on paper and be done with it. Then I can go back and do rewrites or just give it to Amber since she's a very talented editor.

All in all, this has been a most satisfying and enjoyable visit here at the ranch.
We are going to miss it when we go home but we will be back again soon.
I'm missing home now and am anxious to get back and see our gardens and flowers.
But most of all, I am looking forward to seeing my children and grandchildren, Mother, Lillian and my siblings and friends. Friends like Virginia who I hope to do a real old fashioned Tuesday with while I'm home!

So, Goodnight from the Country!!

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