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Triple3 Cross

Thriple3 Cross (Intrigue)
By John Hegenberger
Rough Edges Press
142 Pages
Price $2.99 Kindle
Rating 4-Stars

His dying mother tells Elliot Cross, a hard case private detective from Columbus, Ohio, that his missing father was still alive and needed his help. This is enough to start him on the cold trail, but when a CIA operative named Fred Lewis says he knows where the missing man is, and that he was hiding from the mob, Elliot wants to learn more. Things start moving when he’s introduced to another CIA operative named Ellen Nuevitas. He is taken to CIA Headquarters to view records, but find they’ve been moved. Later he finds Fred Lewis dying from a bullet wound, and is told in a dying breath that his father is in Cuba. This begins the trail to reach Cuba in search of his father, where he finds lies and hidden motives from everyone involved.  

The story is well written, and the plot complicated. With all the twists, no one may be who they are supposed to be, and some stuff seems to come from left field at times mudding the water. I also found it a little curious the way Elliot is allowed to run around with a high government official with no questions asked by his superiors, and regardless of the wide-spread corruption, there are always checks and balances even within Cuban politics. But the author gives us a dandy yarn to pass a few hours in a good book.

Tom Johnson

Detective Mystery Stories

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