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Pontoons and Cargo in Progress. . .

 Once the wagons have been given two coats of acrylic gloss, it's time to do the pontoons.  Here they are in the midst of receiving two coats of my usual white acrylic gesso. . .  on both sides.

Things have been busy the last week or so around here at Stollen Central.  The start of another academic year has encroached upon my relatively carefree summer days of the last few months with the annual fall course syllabus revisions and the not required but strongly suggested (and mind-numbing) day-length professional development talks and workshops.  I've concluded that many PhD's love the sound of their own voices.  Hours of pontification and holding forth  without ever actually saying anything.  No wonder so many people (at least here in the U.S.) are suspicious of intellectuals and relegate them to the sidelines of public life.

Still, I've managed to find a little time here and there to continue work on the middle batch of six wagons as part of the in-progress supply and pontoon train: four pontoon wagons by Fife & Drum, a Berliner Zinnfiguren mobile field forge, and one supply wagon by either Blue Moon, or perhaps Old Glory.  Wagons and horse teams are all glossed and awaiting limited terrain treatment on their bases while I've spent a few hours over the last three evenings painting the eight pontoons and a load of freight.  

If the painting and modelling gods smile on me, I might be able to get EVERYTHING finished  on this batch of logistics and supply vehicles by Sunday evening and take a day or two off before applying base-coats to the last batch of five wagons and carts.  "Kryss fingrane dine!" (cross your fingers) as the Norwegians say.  Can you tell I'm listening to Radio Bø from Bø i Vesterålen in Northern Norway?   And the autumn semester begins on Tuesday, August 26th.

-- Stokes

 These Fife&Drum pontoons have been fun to paint.  Mindless and nothing tricky.  Same with the freight in the background.  I've used various browns, tans, grays, and a bit of white for a little variety after initial washes of dark brown over the white base-coat.  

Here's a close-up of the freight.  The meal bags need a bit more careful touching up with some white, but everything is basically done and ready for two coats of gloss.  The pontoons need another coat of gloss inside, and then they'll get flipped over for two coats on the outside.  The eagle-eyed among you will also spot a small vivandiere vignette taking gradual shape in the background.

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