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Chuckles and Chortles

Happy new week, friends! How are you? What's going on? Nothing much on our end. Lots of snow, snow, snow around here. We are up to our eyeballs in it. Can't wait till spring!

You know what movie we watched a few days ago that I've been meaning to watch for many, many years? Fried Green Tomatoes.  It goes way back to 1991 but for some reason I never got around to it. It's available on Netflix, so we gave it a go. And really enjoyed it! I can't believe I waited this long.

We also watched El Camino; the epilogue to the television series Breaking Bad. I was hesitant about it but since the most amazing man in the world was cool about Fried Green Tomatoes (my choice), I agreed to this (his choice). It's a give and take, right? Anyhow, I was surprised just how much I liked it.

I mentioned we were wrapping up Grace and Frankie, which we did. We had fun it but we were ready for something new. We tried Supergirl, but after watching three episodes, we decided...um...no. It felt like torture sitting through it. Off we went to The Kaminsky Method. It looks very promising but it's been put on hold because season 4 of Better Call Saul became available! And that's where we're at now.

What are you watching or reading these days? And while you think about that, I'll post the funny stuff below. Give and take, right? Enjoy! And have a wonderful day ahead.

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