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Meet Me on Monday

1.  Caesar Salad or Garden Salad?
     Caesar of course; the emperor of salads.
2.  Will you be watching the Royal Wedding on April 29th?
     Meh, I have an important nap scheduled for that day.
3.  Last thing you spent lots of money on?
     A new car to carry my new daughter.
4.  Window seat or aisle seat?
     Depends; am on on a plane or at a wedding?
      (either way I expect peanuts and free soda)
5.  Do you know your blood type?
      It's the cowardly type; I get cut or scraped and it runs.

I wish the questions for this meme (run by Java over at nevergrowingold.) weren't always so bland.  I have an idea or two that would get people talking so you'd really feel you'd met somebody. 
I just hit one the other day;
Would we be better off if women ran the world?

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