Beornwulf the Bold and a group of saxon warriors were journeying home from the continent where they had been on campaign supporting Beornwulf''s cousin. On the voyage home they had been blown south in a storm. Knowing of the position of the isle of Loost they had landed there to gather food and water.
Beornwulf and his party march slowly in-land ...
They come across a hermit and get directions to the hamlet of Sodham ...
Entering Sodham Beornwulf enquires about food and water; after a long discussion they agree to trade some hand axes and their remaining coin for food...While they prepare the food for the saxons the villagers tell them of the visit of some vikings a couple of days before....
Beornwulf and his men leave Sodham with supplies and a villager to guide them to the fountain of Isencak to obtain water before they return to their ship ...
The villager leads them along the high ground avoiding the swamp in the valley As they reach a gap in the vegetation, they see some vikings down by the fountain ...
The sound of fighting is heard, they can see the vikings under attack; the guide tells them it is the orb maiden warriors (protectors of the Orb Stone of Isencak); Beornwulf forms up the fittest men....
The saxons charge into the fray...
a long and bloody fight ensues ...
The saxons are victorious, but a few vikings get away with the stone of Isencak....
Beornwulf and his men exhausted after the fight are unable to pursue, they rest for a while. After getting some water they return to their ship, along with the last of the orb maiden warriors. Some rest in the tents with others on guard - the rest watch as the food is prepared ......
there is much feasting, drinking and telling of tales round the camp fire. The next day the saxons set sail for home...
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